These talented and experienced folks can plan a real trip to Tambopata
for you. Their website has a wealth of information about the Tambopata
Reserve, Research Center and the creatures that inhabit the area.
Macaw Project:
Learn more about the macaws of Tambopata from research director Donald
Brightsmith. His site includes fascinating information from the project
research and on volunteer and job opportunities with the project. |
Want adventure travel while learning and making a difference for the
world?Then, consider an expedition with Earthwatch. This link will
bring you to their expeditions, including the macaws of the Peruvian
Amazon. |
for Disease Control Travelers' Health:
Health information Mecca for travelers; including specific destinations,
diseases, outbreaks, vaccinations, safe food and water, and special
needs. |
Landing Foundation:
Dedicated to the preservation of macaws through research, public education
and ecotourism. They have excellent conservation, ecotourisim information
and a very good newsletter. |
Yunque Rainforest:
One doesn't have to travel to South America to be in the rainforest.
The rainforest of El Yunque in Puerto Rico is home to the endangered
Puerto Rican Amazon and the coquis, tiny but melodious tree frogs.
Fish and Wildlife Service:
A comprehensive listing of threatened and endangered animals and plants.
Plus information on the Endangered Species Act and the regulations
that make it up. |
This site is filled with images of the jungle including birds, animals,
people, scenery and plant life. The images all have explanations.
Another way to visit the rainforest! |